Monday, November 9, 2020

Thanks Bowers, we'll take it from here...

 As we all learned in our most recent seminar and scientific literature analysis, sleep disruption results in changes in gut microbiome and fecal metabolome. We saw that it commonly took just a couple of days with sleep disruption cut out and then these values would recover back to roughly baseline, though we were not given any longitudinal data points to see what happened beyond those few days. Nor were we given ways to treat/stay ahead of such negative impacts due to sleep disruption that we, as grad students, are likely quite prone to. Until now!

A recent study has shown that dietary prebiotics reduce host microbiome vulnerability to the stress resulting from sleep disruption. First, it was proven (as we already know thanks to Bowers) through the use of mass spectrometry and 16S rRNA gene sequencing that stress and diet alter our microbiome and fecal metabolome. The experiment was conducted over several months and the test diet was shown to increase metabolites such as pyrimidine nucleotide 1, Glycerol Glucoside Derivative, Aminoglyside Analog, and many others. The results showed that ingestion of a prebiotic-rich diet also improved NREM sleep, promoted REM sleep rebound after stress exposure, and prevented stress-induced reductions in gut microbial alpha diversity (Thompson, 2020).

The big takeaway here, which we also saw in the Bowers paper, is that fecal metabolites have a large impact on the microbiota-gut-brain axis which translates directly to our sleep physiology. So what should we eat to improve this relationship? Diets rich in such prebiotics that we should consider if we want to beat this loss of sleep effect on our gut microbiome include artichokes, leeks, onions, certain whole grains, and other such foods. Eat up and get some rest!


Thompson, R.S., Vargas, F., Dorrestein, P.C. et al. Dietary prebiotics alter novel microbial dependent fecal metabolites that improve sleep. Sci Rep 10, 3848 (2020).

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