Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Ethics of Animal Research


    Animal research has played a vital role in biomedical and pharmaceutical advancements as well as continuing to aid in our understanding of a multitude of different diseases. While the idea of animal research and the ethics behind it is often a topic of debate in the scientific community, the value and greater knowledge it is able to give us is second to none. As someone who has done a fair amount of animal research for an undergraduate student, I believe that animal research brings a wealth of information that would not otherwise be available if it were not for the research we can do on these animals. As diseases begin to evolve and increase in complexity, the only way to logically investigate these diseases is to perform tests and conduct research on these animals in order to help us as scientists greater understand these ever-changing diseases. Personally, my values stated above are backed by the ideas of utility and beneficence in the animal research that is performed. Comprehensively, the benefit that animal research brings to the table far outweighs other laboratory methods and procedures that are often timely and interminable.

    For decades, animal research has been used to make countless advancements in medical treatments from vaccines and medications to organ transplants and biosynthetic organs. As the idea of animal research begins to emerge more into daily news, the societal view towards it will almost always for the most part be negative. Within the last thirty years, the tide of ethics in animal research has completely changed from what it once was prior to the 90’s and has become extremely valuable and necessary to the continuation of medical research (Wiebers, Leaning, & White, 1994). Animal research has for the most part, strictly been just scientific and stayed in its lane for almost all of its history, but recent advancements in biotechnology could open up a new insight into a numerous amount of human illnesses and disease (Monamy, 2017). Gene editing happens to be one of the main new ideas used in animal research, as scientists are beginning to determine if turning these genes off in animals has a relation to gene expression in cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and illnesses as well.

    Currently, the biggest use of animals in research is happening in trying to find a cure to cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally and is responsible for 1 in every 6 deaths (World Health Organization, 2018). Animal research could help drastically decrease that number and with the discovery of new tests and treatments happening regularly, it is hard to argue with the fact that animal research will ultimately lead in huge breakthroughs in cancer research. The continuation and advancement of animal research methods is what will likely allow scientists and doctors to treat a surplus of different illnesses, diseases, and conditions millions of people around the world are diagnosed with daily.

Works Cited

Cancer. (2018, September 12). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from

Wiebers, D. O., Leaning, J., & White, R. D. (1994). Animal Protection and Medical Science. The Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy Animal Studies Repository, 1-5. Retrieved March 21, 2019, from

Monamy, V. (2017). Animal Experimentation: A Guide to the Issues (3rd ed.). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from of medical animal experimentation&ots=vjLv1ollfP&sig=EklgXBooEaTnLE5yS8a8FZ2c328#v=onepage&q=future of medical animal experimentation&f=false


1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe. The benefits that come out of animal research are numerous and your post shows that cancer is one of them. I do not think it is possible to make the same level of progress in science without some form of research being done on animals. Now this is a point of controversy, but everyone even advocates who are against certain forms of animal research have benefitted from it in one form or another. At the same time, there should always be some level of ethics involved when conducting any type of research with animals included. Whether or not this should be done by the government or by scientific organizations I'm not to sure but Brazil, for example, just recently passed a law to regulate how extensively animals are used in research (Anderson & Winter, 2019). Up until this point, the government of brazil was criticized for its lack of regulation.

    Andersen, M. L., & Winter, L. (2019). Animal models in biological and biomedical research - experimental and ethical concerns. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 91(suppl 1), e20170238.


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